MunaiTas North-West Pipeline Company Limited Liability Partnership is a joint venture, the main goal of which is to realize designing, financing, construction and operation of the Kenkiyak-Atyrau oil pipeline. Kenkiyak-Atyrau oil pipeline is a part of the Kazakhstan-China oil pipeline. Company was established on December 11, 2001. The highest management body is General meeting of the Shareholders. Managing body is Directors’ Board. Executive body is the General Director (Chairman of the Board). Controlling body is an Audit Commission. Company shareholders are KazTransOil JSC, which owns 51 % of the Company shares, and CNPC Exploration and Development Company Ltd., which owns 49 % of the Company shares. 


Mission of the Company is to take part in economical development and to enhance partnership and friendship between the Republic of Kazakhstan and People’s Republic of China by organizational work in designing, equipment supply and Kenkiyak-Atyrau oil pipeline construction & operation. Also, the main goal of the Company is to render oil transportation services at the level of international standards and achievement of the income, corresponding to the shareholders’ requirements.


MunaiTas NWPC LLP activity is:

  • designing, financing, construction, operation and development of the oil pipeline, oil transportation services via pipeline transport;
  • domestic and foreign marketing of the oil & its products;
  • financing, development of the technical & economic feasibility of pipeline and other projects;
  • innovative activity in oil pipeline area; 


  • increase in oil transportation volumes by means of improvement of effectiveness of the Kenkiyak-Atyrau oil pipeline operation;
  • cooperation with new oil fields;
  • capital investment projects in West and Central Kazakhstan, in West China and other perspective directions;
  • expansion and modernization of the Kenkiyak-Atyrau oil pipeline;
  • operational and ecological safety and security.